Vickers by Danfoss : Vane Motor

Find out the details of Vickers by Danfoss Vane Motors below:

Vickers by Danfoss Vane Motor


  • Displacements : from 1.32 in3 /rev (21.6 cc/rev)–19.35 in3 /rev (317.1 cc/rev)
  • Pressures : up to 175 bar (2,500 psi) (size dependent)
  • Rated Speeds : up to 4,000 rpm
  • Torque Range : up to 119–847 Nm (1,050 to 7,500 lb-in)
  • Heavy duty shaft bearing is also available


The cartridge kit design makes for uptime and easy serviceability. Additionally, a low break out force smooths out the start-up speed allowing for vane motors to be more forgiving to system pressure spikes. Vane motors o­ffer an efficient and economical means of applying variable speed, rotary hydraulic power and o­ffer variable horsepower (constant torque). They can be stalled under load without damage when protected by a relief valve.