Vickers by Danfoss : Vane Motor
Find out the details of Vickers by Danfoss Vane Motors below:
Home / Products / Vickers by Danfoss / Vickers by Danfoss Vane Motor
- Displacements : from 1.32 in3 /rev (21.6 cc/rev)–19.35 in3 /rev (317.1 cc/rev)
- Pressures : up to 175 bar (2,500 psi) (size dependent)
- Rated Speeds : up to 4,000 rpm
- Torque Range : up to 119–847 Nm (1,050 to 7,500 lb-in)
- Heavy duty shaft bearing is also available
The cartridge kit design makes for uptime and easy serviceability. Additionally, a low break out force smooths out the start-up speed allowing for vane motors to be more forgiving to system pressure spikes. Vane motors offer an efficient and economical means of applying variable speed, rotary hydraulic power and offer variable horsepower (constant torque). They can be stalled under load without damage when protected by a relief valve.